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CardName: Despair Cost: 2UUBB Type: Legendary Enchantment Creature - Endless Pow/Tgh: 0/6 Rules Text: Endless (At the beginning of each upkeep, if this card is in your graveyard, put it onto the battlefield. If this card would be exiled, instead return it to its owner's hand.) Players have no maximum hand size. {t}, Put a -1/-1 counter on Despair: Each player puts cards equal to his or her hand from the top of his or her library into the graveyard. Each player then draws X cards, where X is Despair's toughness. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Superhero Mythic

Legendary Enchantment Creature – Endless
Endless (At the beginning of each upkeep, if this card is in your graveyard, put it onto the battlefield. If this card would be exiled, instead return it to its owner's hand.)
Players have no maximum hand size.
{t}, Put a -1/-1 counter on Despair: Each player puts cards equal to his or her hand from the top of his or her library into the graveyard. Each player then draws X cards, where X is Despair's toughness.
Illus. DC
Updated on 15 Sep 2014 by 10vernothin


History: [-]

2014-08-26 03:25:05: 10vernothin created the card Despair
2014-08-26 03:28:08: 10vernothin edited Despair
2014-08-28 01:33:50: 10vernothin edited Despair
2014-08-29 00:34:11: 10vernothin edited Despair:


2014-08-29 00:34:14: 10vernothin edited Despair:


2014-08-29 00:34:44: 10vernothin edited Despair:

Despair: A self-inflicted cycle of downward spiral that can't ever be lifted out.

2014-08-29 00:35:16: 10vernothin edited Despair:

Masochistic, makes everyone sad. Mirrors.

2014-08-29 00:40:56: 10vernothin edited Despair:


2014-08-29 00:43:04: 10vernothin edited Despair

Okay, so first you take a couple Serum Powder mulligans to get one of these online, for free, on turn 1. You could also choose to go second, at which point pitching it to Gemstone Caverns is an option; or just pitch it to Force of Will or Sickening Shoal the "regular" way against any starting play. Demonic Consultation is always an option for exile-matters cards, but probably a bit too risky here--the forced card draw means clearing out your whole deck will just lose, if you knowingly name a card that isn't there.

Then you knock the opponent's hand down to 3 cards on their next turn, and get a Teferi's Puzzle Box going, except it actually mills cards rather than recycling them.

And then just attacking for 6 is probably good enough to win in short order. It has an ability that's...incomplete? Is it supposed to say "Each player loses 1 life for each card in his or her graveyard"? In which case...sure, it might make sense to use that instead of attacking for 6...once, strictly as a Kaervek's Spite style finisher. After all, once Serum Powder removes one of these, you might as well mulligan all the way down to 0. It means you won't have anything to discard the first time you deal with that trigger in your own upkeep, and you'll have fewer cards in the graveyard to get a bigger lead off that ability, and you draw back up to 3 on the trigger anyway so it's not like the lack of cards in the opening hand is actually setting you back for any length of time.

Throw in the fact that removal won't actually remove this, except bounce for some odd reason. Even odder, it's legendary, but if the legend rule ever does kick in, then the one that's out of favor will just keep bringing itself back and pointlessly invoking the legend rule again, every single turn for the rest of the game. Endless is a mandatory ability, after all.

Not that I envision "the rest of the game" ever being more than a couple turns, given a bonkers card like this.

Well, it certainly fits the name :)

Endless does need to only work if somehow you've got it into play in the first place, yeah, otherwise it's far too easy to cheat into play.

Other than that though; its mill is only as bonkers as the {b/u} theros god,

2014-08-29 06:46:55: 10vernothin edited Despair

the more you think (cards you have) the more you worry (cards you lose)

and despair gives you more things to worry about (draws cards)

2014-08-29 07:25:59: 10vernothin edited Despair
2014-09-15 20:34:34: 10vernothin edited Despair

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