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CardName: Splinter's Twin Cost: 2RR Type: Creature Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Haste When Splinter's Twin enters the battlefield, put a token onto the battlefield that's a copy of target creature not named Splinter's Twin. That token gains haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Carddesigns Rare

Splinter's Twin
When Splinter's Twin enters the battlefield, put a token onto the battlefield that's a copy of target creature not named Splinter's Twin. That token gains haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
Created on 21 Jul 2014 by Jsys Cryst


2014-07-21 13:57:02: Jsys Cryst created and commented on the card Splinter's Twin

This might go into 'Single' if I want a WRx Splinter Twin combo in Block/T2 and manage that without breaking the format in half.

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