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CardName: Censor Anthem Cost: 1ww Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Each nonblack creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. censor "nonblack" - {w} (You may cast this spell for its censor cost. If you do, change its text by removing all instances of "nonblack".) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Sik Zeoi 色罪 Uncommon

Censor Anthem
Each nonblack creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
censor "nonblack" – {w} (You may cast this spell for its censor cost. If you do, change its text by removing all instances of "nonblack".)
Updated on 28 Jan 2019 by amuseum


Active?: true

History: [-]

2013-11-26 04:15:56: amuseum created the card Censor Anthem
2013-11-26 07:11:22: amuseum edited Censor Anthem

The issues with censor right now:

  • It doesn't work the same way on all cards - sometimes the censored version is preferable, sometimes it's the noncensored version.
  • Currently all cards I have seen censor phrases that you don't even want to use that often to begin with i. e. caring about colors.
  • It apparently encourages designs like this where you have a symmetrical pump color hoser that is already uncomfortably complex before censor due to the possibility to pump your opponents' creatures.

The last point could be fixed here by e. g. going:

> "White creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
Censor "white" - {w}"

But that still addresses only one-and-a-half of the points.

Mmm, the "Oh hey, we can have the special cost be the bad mode" is reserved for the second-run of a mechanic, where they're stretching it. It's certainly a thing, though.

I'd personally have thought:
"Creatures you control get +1/+1 UEOT. Censor 'you control'"
But it's a pretty similar point.

It feels fiddly for a space that is already played in by other mechanics. I don't want to mention kicker (because everything is kicker); but this is a classic "kick for better effect" card.

Can you ever censor anything other than a restraining clause? Can censor ever be truly interesting?

  1. they are different cards. why should they all work identically? that's like saying big creatures should all cost a lot of mana; and you would disallow any big and cheap creatures at all. i.e. limit the variation of a mechanic or characteristic.

most importantly, that's the nature of the mechanic that removes text. that is, the original effect must have the word included before it can be removed.

  1. thematically the words are supposed to feel discriminatory based on card characteristics.

FYI WotC still makes cards that care about coloredness.

Can censor ever be truly interesting? Yes? Maybe? e.g. tapped-ness; removing keyword; duration.

Eh, worth a try. It just feels like fiddly words where a much simpler card will fill the same niche.

"they are different cards. why should they all work identically?" Because that's the point of using a keyword

Well they do work consistently. It's just not to your personal taste or OCDness.

Do you really have a reason to your argument? Do all flashback cards work 'identically'? Do all mana work identically?

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