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CardName: Belaroth, Invoker of Horrors Cost: BBB Type: Planeswalker - Belaroth Pow/Tgh: /3 Rules Text: [+2] Target player gets an insanity counter [0] Target permanent gets an insanty counter [-3] Put a 2/2 black horror creature token onto the battlefield under target player's control. [-10] Sacrifice all lands you control. Search your deck for any horror card and put it onto the battlefield without paying its mana cost. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Mulrektir Mythic

Belaroth, Invoker of Horrors
Planeswalker – Belaroth
+2 Target player gets an insanity counter
0 Target permanent gets an insanty counter
-3 Put a 2/2 black horror creature token onto the battlefield under target player's control.
-10 Sacrifice all lands you control. Search your deck for any horror card and put it onto the battlefield without paying its mana cost.
Created on 17 Jun 2012 by saxihim


2012-06-17 10:57:44: saxihim created the card Belaroth, Invoker of Horrors

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