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CardName: Drake Minime Cost: {3}{U}{U} Type: Creature - Drake Pow/Tgh: 2/4 Rules Text: Flying, Make A Little Me (Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, if this creature isn't a token, create a tapped token that's a copy of it, except it's 1/1.) When Drake Minime enters, draw a card. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Ideas Manifested Uncommon

Drake Minime
Creature – Drake
Flying, Make A Little Me (Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, if this creature isn't a token, create a tapped token that's a copy of it, except it's 1/1.)
When Drake Minime enters, draw a card.
Updated on 14 May 2024 by RatLantern


2024-05-14 19:48:00: RatLantern created the card Drake Minime

Muse Drake is a {3}{u} 1/3 Flying ETB Draw a card.

Does using the additional {u} make this fair? This can possibly be an additional card each turn, with immediate value.

The created token will draw a card, and be a flying 1/1. The copy doesn't make additional copies, so it's mostly to gum up the board or to have an additional little attacker.

Maybe this has to be more expensive to be balanced? Does this say "rare" to you in terms of complexity?

2024-05-14 19:55:04: RatLantern edited Drake Minime:

Mana value up to 5, bump p/t up to 2/4, rarity to uncommon

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