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CardName: Nilbog Cost: R Type: Creature - Goblin Rogue Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Prevent all damage that would be dealt to Nilbog. If Nilbog would deal combat damage to a player, prevent that damage and the defending player gains an amount of life equal to the damage prevented this way instead. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Greyhawk Adventures Rare

Creature – Goblin Rogue
Prevent all damage that would be dealt to Nilbog.
If Nilbog would deal combat damage to a player, prevent that damage and the defending player gains an amount of life equal to the damage prevented this way instead.
Updated on 19 May 2023 by Camruth


2023-05-19 08:27:54: Camruth created the card Nilbog

This Nilbog just shouldn't be red to begin with. Damage prevention and life gain are clear white mechanics.

That second ability is also quite narrow a drawback unless an opponent can force an attack to begin with.

It's not that the nilbog heals what it hits, it's that damage dealt to the nilbog causes it to heal

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