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CardName: Roadside Reliquary Cost: Type: Land Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {t}: Produce {c}. {2}, {t}, Sacrifice <Roadside Reliquary>: Draw a card if you control an artifact. Draw a card if you control an enchantment. Flavour Text: Travelers who leave an offering may pass freely through the forest kami's domain. Set/Rarity: Shenafu's Card Creator Uncommon

Roadside Reliquary
{t}: Produce {c}.

{2}, {t}, Sacrifice <Roadside Reliquary>: Draw a card if you control an artifact. Draw a card if you control an enchantment.
Travelers who leave an offering may pass freely through the forest kami's domain.
Illus. Robin Olausson
Updated on 04 Feb 2022 by amuseum

History: [-]

2022-02-03 11:12:02: amuseum created and commented on the card Roadside Reliquary

Lands look much better in landscape form.

Have you ever played with lands in landscape form?

They probably spend more time that way than they do untapped? So it does make sense for a full-art land to be done that way.

Wait! You are supposed to turn them sideways when they are untapped? What?

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