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Planescape Set | Skeleton

CardName: Planar Portal Cost: Type: Land - Gate Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}: Add {C}. Legendary Landcycling {3} ({3}, Discard this card: Search your library for a legendary land card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Planescape Uncommon

Planar Portal
Land – Gate
{t}: Add {c}.
Legendary Landcycling {3} ({3}, Discard this card: Search your library for a legendary land card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.)
Updated on 06 Oct 2020 by JessWill


History: [-]

2020-09-19 07:20:47: JessWill created the card Planar Portal
2020-10-01 02:01:34: JessWill edited Planar Portal
2020-10-03 05:50:44: JessWill edited Planar Portal

It seems the Gates are struggling a bit to be meaningful next to the legendary land theme.

They don't seem to have their own conceptual space yet.

I haven't really developed the land cards yet, but the intent is for most to be gates and many of them legendary. At the very least, the "gate towns" of the Outlands that connect to the outer planes can be represented by gates, as can various "planar pathways" like Sigil (and maybe diff gates within sigil), the River Styx and Oceanus, Ygrassdil, and The Infinite Staircase.

Other than that, I've tinkered a little with a few "As long as you control a gate card" cards but don't want to make too many. The gate thing definitely still takes a back seat to legendary lands, to overlap with other themes and mechanics like reputation.

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