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CardName: Beg the Question Cost: {1}{U} Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Counter target permanent spell. If that spell is countered this way, instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard, put it onto the battlefield, then put it into its owner's graveyard. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: LibraryPlane Uncommon

Beg the Question
Counter target permanent spell. If that spell is countered this way, instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard, put it onto the battlefield, then put it into its owner's graveyard.
Updated on 13 Sep 2011 by Putnam

Code: UU05

History: [-]

2011-09-13 03:50:54: Putnam created the card Beg the Question

Here's me biting off more than I can chew. There's a good chance the rules cannot make sense of the words I've used here. Keep in mind that this drawback should be relevant in this block since I'm working with a lot of of ETB abilities.

In thinking about what begging the question would look like as a card, I figured that the caster would assume that his or her spell was already cast before he or she cast it. Which means the triggered abilities should go off. It's a big stretch, I'll admit.

­:) I like it, that's very appropriate for the name, and an interesting ability (if one that won't usually matter).

My best guess is that if the permanent spell is at the bottom of the stack, it's clear, but if someone played a flash creature with an ETB effect in response to doom blade, and the creature is countered with this, it's ambiguous. You could probably find alternative wording, though.

Delightful effect. I don't know if the rules handle it either. Presumably you'd want Pandemonium and Warstorm Surge to still trigger; and if it was a Zombie spell, Noxious Ghoul similarly. And Torpor Orb should still stop them all.

Hmm, how about this wording?

Counter target permanent spell. If that spell is countered this way, instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard, put it onto the battlefield, then put it into its owner's graveyard.

This does have the drawback that it triggers LTB abilities such as Protean Hulk. But unlike Flash, at least the card has to be cast in this case.

I really like your suggestion Alex. It sells the flavour better than what I have. And triggering LTB abilities seems like a plus, since it makes the drawback more relevant. Changing it right away.

2011-09-13 14:54:48: Putnam edited Beg the Question

Too bad you can't pull this off with a short and funky wording like "Target permanent spell becomes world." That would have been a sight to behold, but the world rule doesn't work that way, and the other SBAs can't succinctly be invoked and/or introduce extra side effects.

If you're going that route would "When target permanent spell enters the battlefield, put it into its owner's graveyard" work?

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