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CardName: Cast To The Clouds Cost: w Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Kicker - {w}{w} Exile target creature, then return that creature to the battlefield under it's owners control. If Cast To The Clouds was kicked, exile that creature instead. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Misc Cards Uncommon

Cast To The Clouds
Kicker – {w}{w}
Exile target creature, then return that creature to the battlefield under it's owners control.
If Cast To The Clouds was kicked, exile that creature instead.
Updated on 17 Jan 2019 by wurms

History: [-]

2018-12-06 14:17:05: wurms created the card Cast To The Clouds

is 2 mana ok for exile effect?

LOL NO. that's better than swords to plowshares right now.

Make the kicker 1w or 2w and you should be fine :)

The kicker should be 5 mana. This becomes Trostani's Judgment minus Wake the Reflections, and kicker adds versatility anyway

well Blessed Light can do that or an enchantment for 5 (so id subtract 1)

Also, Final Reward can do it for 5 (being secondary at most in exiling)

all in all i think it makes sense to put at 5, because again versatility in kicker. Which sadly makes it so inefficient (the reason i dont like the mechanic, even though i really want to)

Listed some other examples that didn't involve card math.

i'd like to comment i believe it's important to note this is also an uncommon, and most the cards we've said are common. This may be justified already without taking costing to mind, because it is a bit wordy for a common, and kicker isn't on commons usually, because it's just a bit too much.

I would basically agree 4w for kicker, but also that isn't including the previous w payed for the spell anyway, and after all these examples of a simple ability, i'd rather have a 4 cost kicker that's a bit better than other kickers than just a usual kicker card that ignores a very used effect to be purposefully mediocre.

Also this would be great in any standard (only if uncommon) that wanted white midrange (control and anything-else-that-comes-from-flicker (including control, redundantly enough...))

thanks for listening to my ted talk

edit: fixed links

Personally, I think unconditional exile in white is a color pie break

i might've heard that somewhere too, but also it's on lots of cards... even at common.

i just know i wouldnt pay 6 mana to exile a creature. with that much mana i could cast wayyy better spells.

For this card to be 'balanced', both the non-kicker version, and the kicked version need to be 'more expensive' than their respective spells. Right now, even the non-kicked version is cheaper than Cloudshift because it isn't restricted to your own creatures. And while uncommon is allowed to be better than common, I'd argue that Couldshift could be printed as an uncommon without any changes. It's a solid card that was reprinted in Masters 25.

Without changing the text, therefore, I'd have to argue for a cost of {1}{w}, and a kicker of {2}{w}.

I presume you want the base cost of the spell to remain {w} though. If that's the case, I'd suggest finding some sort of restriction that would make the base spell seem 'worse' in some way to Cloudshift. One example could be:

Kicker - {w} Exile target creature, if it is white... etc., etc.

The simplest change to make this spell cost {w}, though, would be to make it a sorcery. But maybe you don't want that either.

This is a tricky one. If you go back to ye olden days, Swords to Polughshares says this is absolutely fine. But, well, it's typically not done any more.

But honestly; that's just a costing issue. Or maybe "Target attacking or blocking creature".

I wonder if it could somehow be "Flicker then exile unless you pay..." but that's really just noodling for the sake of it.


okay i will make the base cost {w}{w} and the kicker {1}

3 mana is okay for exile according to Unmake

sorry for late reply, i rarely check multiverse if not to make a new card design.

2019-01-06 15:59:26: wurms edited Cast To The Clouds:

actually kicker is going to be {w}, not {1}

actually i would switch the two costs....

this is kinda silly rn... flicker only costs 1 and why would it cost less to make it permanent than it does to do a 1 drop ability....

yea pls ficks

edit: in 3 months i guess :)

2019-01-17 16:30:45: wurms edited Cast To The Clouds

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