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CardName: Evolving Kavu Cost: g Type: Creature - Kavu Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: {1}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Evolving Kavu. Activate this ability only once each turn. Flavour Text: 'Once the beast is born, you have until sunset to slay it.' -Hunter's Journal Set/Rarity: Misc Cards Rare

Evolving Kavu
Creature – Kavu
{1}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Evolving Kavu. Activate this ability only once each turn.
'Once the beast is born, you have until sunset to slay it.'
-Hunter's Journal
Updated on 01 Oct 2018 by wurms

History: [-]

2018-09-30 16:18:16: wurms created the card Evolving Kavu

That's kinda OP? Things that come to mind are Chronomaton, Jungle Delver, and Nantuko Shade / Looming Shade.

Limit it to gaining a counter once a turn and you've got a deal, though.

I wish this was on curve, but it's not... I think the way wizards does this is they make it cost {2} / counter, though lots of other ways shapes it can take. Vitenka's is an option, tapping, UEOTing, or maybe sac a creature or etc.

Nice flavor btw. This isn't super rare, could be uncommon imo. If you made it weak like jungle delver, it could be a common.

I think vitenka got it best, because evolution is slow so 1/turn would be flavor win.

As a kavu expert (not at all) i'd think maybe tapping another creature to put on a counter? because they are friends with elves now? maybe?

2018-10-01 22:04:55: wurms edited Evolving Kavu

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