[Racial Profile] -- Pyrfolk: Comments

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Why exactly isn't Pyrfolk a variant of Viashino/Salamander? What makes them desirable?

Merfolk's red sister race, that swims in lava? Sounds like a good name.

Salamander's are non-sentient creatures; aren't they? ... huh, looks like M15 had a couple of blue swamp-living humanoids that were named salamader despite having no fire anywhere in the image. Odd.

Viashino live on top of sand; land dwellers. Making it a related race might make some sense. Or, of course, different plane.

Viashino on one plane live on top of land - on another on volcanic mountains - on another in the gutter. I think saying they "live on top of sand" is like making the same statement about Naga after seeing Amonkhet and leaving the Sultai variant puzzled. I'm not certain Pyrfolk being "always that" neats to be a thing, but it might just sound worse to me than intended because they are currently just described from the perspective of a single setting.

Salamander is a term refering both to medieval fire spirits (and "spirit" here in the sense that includes Gnomes and Goblins etc.) and some subset of mundane amphibians (as happens sometimes real animals share their name with mythological beasts).

I happen to think they would make for a neat extension of races and maybe fit here - and have the neat plus of having some conotations that an entirely original race lacks.

I wanted something easy to pronounce. I wanted something that evokes and oozes red. Mer means sea; pyr means fire. If it works for blue, why not red. Just sounds nice.

As you've noticed, salamanders, thus reptiles, are traditionally associated with fire spirits and fire-breathing. (Notwithstanding earth salamanders are classified as amphibians. However they do resemble lizards.)

If I would use Viashino on card names from here on out, they would be rebranded as Pyrfolk (making Viashino subtype obsolete). As you've pointed out, they would match sand environments more than volcanoes.

I'd think Salamanders could be a humanoid creature type in red/blue

Also could just be green Lizards, but that's the mythos vs reality thing

Viashino would be very appropriate here. So it seems unecessary to make a Racial Profile for a race that , as Secret said , appeared in only one set, which was a custom one :P

But I'm open to learning more about how this species is different from the others mentioned. I do like the idea of red version of merfolk.

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