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Soradyne Laboratories is set in a near-modern world that still harnesses the power of magic regularly, and has seamlessly integrated it into their technology base. The overarching social environment is similar to post-WWII America — recovery and optimism, with the hopes of a better, brighter future bolstered by a new consumer-goods revolution.
For seven years the nation of Debronia sent it's soldiers overseas to help defend other nations against the encroachment of the Reigsman Empire. One by one, nations fell to and were absorbed by Reigsma, until they had pushed all but a few kingdoms to the edges of their Western shores. And there, with backs to the cliffs over the water, was the last battlefield. Debronia and it's allies were resolute that they could not lose this battle, as losing the shoreline meant losing everything. Riegsma would surely claim all of their continent, and then cross the ocean to attack Debronian soil.
Despite Reigsma's overwhelming numbers and unwavering push for domination, the allies had gotten a handful of breaks along the way. They had been consistently supplied with new weapons and tactical devices by Debronia's largest technomantic research and development corporation, Soradyne Laboratories. These tools had turned the tide in favor of the allies on numerous battlefields, but, it seemed, whenever supply lines faltered, ground was quickly lost. With Soradyne's constant support, the allies stood a chance. When Soradyne couldn't adapt to Reigsma's battle plans quickly enough, the allies saw hopes of pushing the Reigsman Empire back.
So when the morning of the final battle came, the allies saw little hope of ever reclaiming their homelands. Reigsma was poised for a final deathblow; their numbers were greater, their momentum was unstoppable, and Soradyne had exhausted it's bag of military tricks. The Allies stood with their heels edging over the water while the Reigsman line advanced. And as the Debronian soldiers braced their weapons to fire their final shots...
Reigsma stopped.
The Imperial troops ceased their march. A quiet murmur passed through their troops. They shouldered their weapons, turned around, and marched a silent retreat back towards Reigsma. For almost two weeks, the allies followed them cautiously, trudging back over battlefields and through their own cities and towns. Allied battalions broke off and returned home as they passed. When the last Allied troops saw the Reigsman army cross over the mountains into Empire territory, they formed a makeshift sentry line to watch for further aggression.
It never came.
The Reigsman had packed it in. Retreated to their lands and locked the gates behind them. Never uttered a single word as to why. As far as the Allies were concerned, the Reigsman Empire had closed shop for good, with no explanation as to why.
Five years after The-Battle-That-Wasn't, the continental Allies had begun to rebuild and recover from their massive casualties. The Debronian veterans had returned home knowing that they'd escaped by the skin of their teeth. Still, since those at home had never seen the horrors the Reigsman Empire had wrought, there was an overwhelming sense of national pride and hope. Their husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers were back home safely, and though many Debronians had given their lives — more than in any war before — they knew that they were looking at a golden age. Soradyne Laboratories had even shifted it's research and production capabilities. With tools of war and no linger their greatest concern, they turned to creating tools for families and homes. Technomancy would make the lives of every Debronian better, easier, and happier.