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CardName: Atarka Monument Cost: 3 Type: Artifact Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}: Add {R} or {G}. {4}{R}{G}: Atarka Monument becomes a 4/4 red and green Dragon artifact creature with flying until end of turn Flavour Text: The idols of Atarka made good target practice for Jinn as he prepared for the real thing. Set/Rarity: Storyline Decks: The Contract Uncommon

Atarka Monument
{t}: Add {r} or {g}.
{4}{r}{g}: Atarka Monument becomes a 4/4 red and green Dragon artifact creature with flying until end of turn
The idols of Atarka made good target practice for Jinn as he prepared for the real thing.
Created on 26 Jun 2018 by Zai

Code: D-2-08


2018-06-26 14:58:33: Zai created the card Atarka Monument

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