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CardName: TruCharm UtiliRune Cost: 3G Type: Enchantment - Aura Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Enchant creature Enchanted creature has “{1}{G}, {T}: Choose one — Shuffle target wizard card in your graveyard into your library; or put a 1/1 green snake token onto the battlefield; or put at +1/+1 counter on target creature.” Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Uncommon

TruCharm UtiliRune
Enchantment – Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature has “{1}{g}, {t}: Choose one — Shuffle target wizard card in your graveyard into your library; or put a 1/1 green snake token onto the battlefield; or put at +1/+1 counter on target creature.”
Updated on 01 Apr 2012 by SFletcher

Code: UG06

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-07-27 21:58:08: SFletcher created the card TruCharm UtiliRune
2011-07-27 22:12:53: SFletcher edited TruCharm UtiliRune
2011-08-02 05:10:43: SFletcher edited TruCharm UtiliRune
2011-11-23 15:16:28: SFletcher moved the card TruCharm UtiliRune from Soradyne Laboratories into Soradyne Laboratories v1.2

Possible names: Darrowhill Charm (harking back to the land.) Farmhouse Charm (Evoking a horseshoe-or the shoe of some other animal that works the land/is hoofed-minotaur?)

Given green's role in the set-and the hint in the name-the idea is that this charm should be about the truth-recovering wizards to reclaim it, generating mana to cast spells to probe it, counters on creatures to investigate it.

Perhaps 'Reporter's Charm'? As with the miner, a specific kind of hat could be invoked in the image in order to convey they object.

2012-04-01 04:09:20: SFletcher edited TruCharm UtiliRune

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