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CardName: Soradyne Test Pilot Cost: 1W Type: Creature - Bird Soldier Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Flying Morph {3}{W} (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.) When Soradyne Test Pilot is turned face up, attach target equipment you control to it. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: SOR block storage Uncommon

Soradyne Test Pilot
Creature – Bird Soldier
Morph {3}{w} (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.)
When Soradyne Test Pilot is turned face up, attach target equipment you control to it.
Updated on 17 Dec 2011 by SFletcher

History: [-]

2011-07-22 18:36:14: SFletcher created the card Soradyne Test Pilot


Love this design, though I'd almost prefer it in red.

Doubled up on the comment.

I agree, it does feel rather red.

White is the color of small, cheap flyers, and of equipment tricks. Look at the Leonin of the original Mirrodin and the Kor of Zendikar. As much as you can make arguments that something about it feels red (show me and I won't argue), there's not much reason this shouldn't be white.

I think it's that a) the flavor of a "test pilot" brings to mind comical images of goblins with grenades in their mouths and b) white is more prone to permanent changes (Kor Outfitter) vs. red's temporary effects (Ogre Geargrabber).

There's no real argument for this to not be in white, but I think creative would want to make sure its "whiteness" is as clear as possible through the name and potential flavor text.

I like this too.

I think the red "feel" is because (a) the concept of a test pilot has connotations of excitement and risk and (b) because "get a temporary use out of something instead of a permanent one" is often red.

But I agree that white makes more sense. Perhaps something like "Whenever ~ attacks you may attach an equipment you control that entered the battefield this turn to it. Unattach it at end of turn" would feel different while being functionally the same, although I don't know if there's actually anything to be gained by fiddling with it, people will probably get used to it.

In this case, the story tips the scales in favor of white. The Soradyne Corporation is in the business of selling shiny new products and enhancements to the public. To help represent this, there's a strong theme of capitalizing on Auras and Equipment throughout white, blue, and to a lesser extent black. Red and green do have auras and equipment fitting their own themes, but have virtually no other interest in encouraging you to play auras or equipment.

Given the "could go either way" scenario, I chose to make sure the card skews to white.

2011-07-28 16:06:00: SFletcher edited Soradyne Test Pilot

The reason it feels red is because it feels spontaneous and risky. It's the last ability, really, that gives this feeling. Yes, it does evoke thoughts of Ogre Geargrabber, and it also has a taste of randomness. It's that "unattach" clause. Regardless, I don't mean to say it should be colorshifted. I just mean it has a bit of a red tinge.

Yeah, I think it's fine to place this by flavour.

2011-07-28 16:16:40: SFletcher edited Soradyne Test Pilot

Okay, this tweak ought to solidly put him in the white camp. He now only drops the newly tested equipment. Anything that's been in play gets to stay.

2011-07-28 16:19:58: SFletcher edited Soradyne Test Pilot
2011-10-11 02:57:35: SFletcher moved the card Soradyne Test Pilot from Soradyne Laboratories into Soradyne Laboratories v1.2
2011-10-11 02:59:04: SFletcher edited Soradyne Test Pilot
2011-10-12 01:15:49: SFletcher edited Soradyne Test Pilot
2011-11-11 05:08:48: SFletcher edited Soradyne Test Pilot
2011-12-17 20:51:25: SFletcher moved the card Soradyne Test Pilot from Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 into SOR block storage

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