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CardName: Siphoning Sootcloud Cost: XBB Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Spend only black mana to pay {X}. Siphoning Sootcloud deals X damage divided as you choose between any number of target creatures players, and planeswalkers. You gain X life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Rare

Siphoning Sootcloud
Spend only black mana to pay {x}.

Siphoning Sootcloud deals X damage divided as you choose between any number of target creatures players, and planeswalkers. You gain X life.
Updated on 23 Nov 2011 by SFletcher

Code: RB08

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-07-19 21:01:51: SFletcher created the card Siphoning Sootcloud

I don't know whether or not I agree with the costing on this.

2011-07-19 21:22:55: SFletcher edited Siphoning Sootcloud

I'm open to suggestions.

Hm. It's Rolling Thunder with lifelink; but it's a splittable Consume Spirit with only more specific colour requirements, and really, who's casting Consume Spirit outside monoblack anyway? I think I agree that in order to split Consume Spirit, you should pay at least an extra mana. Alternatively, give it the Meteor Shower treatment and make it {x}{x}{b}.

Also, you need to say "any number of target creatures and/or players", unless you're deliberately creating the first spell that can both damage an opponent and their planeswalkers simultaneously.

2011-11-23 16:11:27: SFletcher edited Siphoning Sootcloud
2011-11-23 16:11:57: SFletcher moved the card Siphoning Sootcloud from Soradyne Laboratories into Soradyne Laboratories v1.2

The only question I have is on the wording able to target players and plainswalkers. I thought that targeting a planeswalker with damage spells was impossible and that could only redirect the damage once the controlling player is targeted?

The only question I have is on the wording able to target players and plainswalkers. I thought that targeting a planeswalker with damage spells was impossible and that could only redirect the damage once the controlling player is targeted?

Well, combat damage is assigned directly to planeswalkers. I think it's just that they've never printed a spell that targeted planeswalkers before, even though they technically could. To the best of my knowledge, this works.

It's not that it doesn't work... it's just that there is, as far as I can tell, no reason to target the Planeswalker. In fact, outside of politics, it's a bad idea because it tells players who you plan on hitting with this spell, the player or the planeswalker. If I, instead, point an 8 point Blaze at an opponent and make my opponent have to guess whether the spell is going to damage the player or the Planeswalker, I'll make it much more difficult to know whether the spell should be Canceled. I just don't see what the point of writing Planeswalker on the card would be.

This card, unlike Blaze, does have a reason to target planeswalkers: you can damage multiple different planeswalkers controlled by the same player (or deal some damage to a planeswalker and some more damage to its controller). The normal planeswalker damage redirection rule only lets you send all-or-nothing of the damage from a player's dome to their PW, and only to one of them. This card does benefit from mentioning planeswalkers, because it can potentially kill several PWs at once.

It also allows you to hit 2 PWs controlled by separate players, and/or a player and a PW they control at the same time. As far as I know, no single spell has been able to do the latter yet.

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