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CardName: Disengage Cost: G Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Destroy target artifact or enchantment. If that artifact or enchantment was an equipment or an aura, its controller gains 3 life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Common

Destroy target artifact or enchantment. If that artifact or enchantment was an equipment or an aura, its controller gains 3 life.
Updated on 22 Jan 2012 by SFletcher

Code: CG10

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-04-26 00:00:14: SFletcher created the card Disengage

Why not make it more consistent with a: If that enchantment was an aura or the artifact was an equipment, you may...?

2011-04-28 02:14:48: SFletcher edited Disengage

I looked at that. The wording actually seemed smoother this way, and I feel like the flavor works slightly better this way; I destroy something parasitic and add something to a creature. Otherwise I can destroy an equipment that is NOT in use and still get a counter, which wasn't as mush what I was looking for.

2011-07-27 22:23:13: SFletcher edited Disengage:

Cleaned it up and rebalanced it for better play in this format.

2011-07-27 22:23:45: SFletcher edited Disengage

Could this be expanded to say: If that artifact/enchantment was attached to a permanent?

Absolutely. It had been that, but it looks like I needed it while rewriting it.

2011-07-27 22:56:17: SFletcher edited Disengage

Small thing, but that's the wrong "its."

2011-07-28 15:12:26: SFletcher edited Disengage:

Stupid autocorrect.

2011-11-18 15:20:28: SFletcher edited Disengage
2011-12-17 23:51:44: SFletcher edited Disengage
2012-01-22 17:06:24: SFletcher edited Disengage

I know, it challenges Naturalize pretty hard when I make the same card -{1}. In this environment though, its most frequent targets will net the “victim” some life. Going this way allows me to make a somewhat flashy common that has situational relevance within the set.

What if this was called 'Restoration'? Disengage works but there's the +3 life part that doesn't quite jibe. Whereas restoring something implies bringing it back to its true nature (something green wants to do) as well as making it as shiny as new (the +3 life).

Honestly, I don't really understand why this isn't just Nature's Claim. Yes, this wording allows you to emphasize the importance of aura and equipment in the set, but I don't know there needs to be a better Nature's Claim just for the sake of flavor.

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