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CardName: Rhox Fists Cost: G Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If you paid Rhox Fists’s feint cost, put two +1/+1 counters on it instead. Feint {1}{G} (You may cast this during the declare blockers step for its feint cost if you remove an unblocked attacker you control from combat.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Common

Rhox Fists
Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If you paid Rhox Fists’s feint cost, put two +1/+1 counters on it instead.
Feint {1}{g} (You may cast this during the declare blockers step for its feint cost if you remove an unblocked attacker you control from combat.)
Updated on 23 Nov 2011 by SFletcher

Code: CG13

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-04-25 20:46:30: SFletcher created the card Rhox Fists
2011-04-25 21:00:41: SFletcher edited Rhox Fists
2011-07-22 21:38:22: SFletcher edited Rhox Fists

Shouldn't something dubbed "Rhox Fists" supply the Rhox effect?

Something like "If target creature is blocked, you may have it assign combat damage this turn as though it weren't." (Instead of the trample clause.) It'd be one of those educational cards that teaches players to cast their instants at the last moment.

Not necessarily, these days. Rhoxes have been around for a while now - consider Rhox War Monk - and not many of them have had the original Rhox effect.

You know, I never realized Rhox wasn't the first creature with that ability. But clearly Lone Wolf came first.

Nonetheless, the Alara Rhoxes should be ashamed of themselves. It's an ability that would've made a good deal of sense with Exalted.

The wolf was the first to use the ability, but it's the Thorn Elemental that wins the "iconic use of the ability" honors. People tend to remember the 7/7 rare before the 2/2 uncommon.

At any rate, my goal was a modest P/T booster that WA particularly good in heavy aggro decks. I'm totally okay with it as is.

2011-07-30 18:38:53: SFletcher edited Rhox Fists

No, I must amend that last comment. I am not okay with it as it was, and have edited it accordingly.

2011-11-23 14:45:13: SFletcher edited Rhox Fists

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