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CardName: Kahua 4c Common Cost: rgwu Type: Creature - Noble Pow/Tgh: 3/5 Rules Text: Vanguard (Creatures with vanguard must be blocked before creatures without vanguard.) Whenever Kahua 4c Common attacks, create a colorless 1/1 Citizen creature token. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Sectors of Aethernet Common

Kahua 4c Common
Creature – Noble
Vanguard (Creatures with vanguard must be blocked before creatures without vanguard.)
Whenever Kahua 4c Common attacks, create a colorless 1/1 Citizen creature token.
Updated on 19 Mar 2017 by amuseum

Code: CZ23

History: [-]

2016-11-12 06:51:24: amuseum created the card Kahua 4c Common
2016-11-12 06:53:32: amuseum edited Kahua 4c Common
2016-11-12 09:36:03: amuseum edited Kahua 4c Common:

was cast spell to gain 1 life

2016-11-12 20:50:09: amuseum edited Kahua 4c Common:

vanguard was prowess

2016-11-12 20:52:41: amuseum edited Kahua 4c Common

Shards of Alara included a cycle of tricolour commons, and they needed quite some support in terms of manafixing: the Panoramas at common, the Obelisks at common, the trilands at uncommon, and a handful of others. Are you planning even greater degrees of manafixing than Shards?

2016-11-14 15:32:50: amuseum edited Kahua 4c Common

There will be dedicated slot in each pack for mana fixing cycles.

2016-11-25 06:31:29: amuseum edited Kahua 4c Common

Should vanguard have an "if able"? How is it supposed to interact with e. g. Jump?

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