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CardName: Knives Out Cost: 1R Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Up to two target creatures get first strike until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Common

Knives Out
Up to two target creatures get first strike until end of turn.
Updated on 18 Feb 2016 by SFletcher

Code: CR11

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-04-23 04:00:43: SFletcher created the card Knives Out
2011-04-23 04:01:16: SFletcher edited Knives Out

Seems overcosted for what it does, even at common. Headlong Rush and Rally the Forces are significantly cheaper and affect all your creatures.

2011-04-24 15:24:42: SFletcher edited Knives Out:

Reduced cost

True. This is only slightly more flexible than those two (can be used on defense as well), but I was a bit nervous after all the discussion regarding Rise. In retrospect, this isn't anywhere near as significant an effect as that one.

2011-11-23 16:35:04: SFletcher moved the card Knives Out from Soradyne Laboratories into Soradyne Laboratories v1.2

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