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CardName: Tortudiphant Cost: 5G Type: Creature - Elephant Turtle Pow/Tgh: 6/6 Rules Text: Trample Flavour Text: The Crawl affects every living creature. Plants keep growing, birds keep flying, and the Tortudiphant never slows it's pace. Set/Rarity: Tuvia Common

Creature – Elephant Turtle
The Crawl affects every living creature. Plants keep growing, birds keep flying, and the Tortudiphant never slows it's pace.
Illus. Xavier Pereira
Updated on 16 Jun 2018 by Harrison

Code: CG10

Active?: true

History: [-]

2016-09-26 02:18:10: Harrison created the card Tortudiphant
2016-10-17 02:21:15: Harrison edited Tortudiphant

6G -> 5G

looks at creature type ... Elephant Turtle
looks at illustration ... That's an Elephant Turtle

I don't care that it's a frnch vanilla, this is officially the best common in this set. ^^

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