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CardName: Pull of the Familiar Cost: 3G Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Reveal the top 4 cards of your library. Put a creature card from among them into your hand, then put the rest into your graveyard. If that card is a Wizard card, put a 1/1 green snake token onto the battlefield. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Common

Pull of the Familiar
Reveal the top 4 cards of your library. Put a creature card from among them into your hand, then put the rest into your graveyard. If that card is a Wizard card, put a 1/1 green snake token onto the battlefield.
Updated on 26 May 2012 by SFletcher

Code: CG11

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-04-21 15:04:12: SFletcher created the card Pull of the Familiar

I'm not sure if this feels expensive, because in any non-constructed format it sucks, or just about right, because in any constructed format, it'll net two creatures.

It's probably correct.

Finally a pull card that is interesting. I don't think I've ever used cards with similar effect since the old ones in the core set for green that did for 5?

Reviewing this card; does green do draw/discard? Most of the green draw filter spells I can recall put the cards on the bottom of the library.

If this is a hint towards a future mechanic then I can see it but if not, I'm not sure how 'green' this is.

It's pretty green.

I think Beast Hunt is the most recent example.

I was getting that tweaked with Call of the Gargantuan and Lead the Stampede.

I suppose it could go either way.

I think it really comes down to how much emphasis is to be put on the graveyard. "Test" is suggestive of somehow caring about your graveyard, but it's not a fully formed theme by any stretch of the imagination.

2011-11-18 15:21:29: SFletcher moved the card Pull of the Familiar from Soradyne Laboratories into Soradyne Laboratories v1.2
2012-04-10 16:49:20: SFletcher edited Pull of the Familiar

I think you can shorten this a little to:

"Reveal the top 3 cards of your library. Put a creature card from among them into your hand, then put the rest into your graveyard. If that card is a Wizard card, put a 1/1 green Snake creature token onto the battlefield."

2012-04-10 21:42:19: SFletcher edited Pull of the Familiar
2012-05-26 15:15:35: SFletcher edited Pull of the Familiar

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