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CardName: Firebomb Cost: 3R Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Firebomb deals 4 damage to each player. If you paid Firebomb's feint cost, it deals 4 damage to each opponent instead. Feint {2}{R} (You may cast this during the declare blockers step for its feint cost if you remove an unblocked attacker you control from combat.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Common

Firebomb deals 4 damage to each player.
If you paid Firebomb's feint cost, it deals 4 damage to each opponent instead.
Feint {2}{r} (You may cast this during the declare blockers step for its feint cost if you remove an unblocked attacker you control from combat.)
Updated on 12 May 2012 by SFletcher

Code: CR09

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-04-20 15:32:56: SFletcher created the card Firebomb

Why not just; Each player takes 6 damage? Multiplayer or is there some other reason?

Multiplayer. I wanted something that was interesting in a basic 2-man game, but if played in EDH/Commander wouldn't wipe out multiple players at once and required some very serious consideration as to whether nuking yourself to finish someone off was worth it.

2011-07-28 04:50:30: SFletcher edited Firebomb
2011-11-23 17:12:04: SFletcher moved the card Firebomb from Soradyne Laboratories into Soradyne Laboratories v1.2
2011-11-23 17:12:46: SFletcher edited Firebomb
2012-04-01 02:18:39: SFletcher edited Firebomb
2012-04-23 22:23:39: SFletcher edited Firebomb
2012-05-12 16:43:18: SFletcher edited Firebomb

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