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CardName: Mark of Perseverence Cost: 1GG Type: Enchantment - Aura Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Enchant creature Whenever enchanted creature is dealt damage, put a +1/+1 counter on it. Whenever enchanted creature deals combat damage to a player, draw a card. Flavour Text: "Excellence in science and battle both require the same thing: relentless focus." —Callimus Broadmoor Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Uncommon

Mark of Perseverence
Enchantment – Aura
Enchant creature
Whenever enchanted creature is dealt damage, put a +1/+1 counter on it.
Whenever enchanted creature deals combat damage to a player, draw a card.
"Excellence in science and battle both require the same thing: relentless focus."
—Callimus Broadmoor
Updated on 01 Mar 2012 by SFletcher

Code: UG07

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-04-18 01:29:52: SFletcher created the card Mark of Perseverence
2011-04-18 01:32:35: SFletcher edited Mark of Perseverence

Hm...this seems expensive but is likely correct for what it does and at the rarity.

A nice limited pull, certainly not a chase uncommon.

2011-08-02 21:38:14: SFletcher edited Mark of Perseverence
2011-11-23 15:16:46: SFletcher moved the card Mark of Perseverence from Soradyne Laboratories into Soradyne Laboratories v1.2

Definitely wants some flavor text to help tie in the name. I can easily make the connection but a quote from Broodmore: "The quality required to excel in science or battle are the same: relentless focus."

Something like that.

2012-02-04 17:30:44: SFletcher edited Mark of Perseverence

I love that flavor text. So perfect for Callimus it’s crazy. I’ve tweaked the phrasing slightly, but it’s now on the card.

Would it be worth it to make this 1GG? Too out of balance?

I think 1GG could be good. Curiosity is only U, right? Plus the fact that you're opening up for a 2-for-1 before you hit with the dude and the fact that the first part is rather useless if your creature is below 3/3 since it will hardly ever survive combat, and also it's an uncommon and double-color-costed. Obviously testing is required to see how well it fits with the rest of the set but I vote for 1GG, making it a much more attractive pick. Right now this card is going somewhere between 11-15 for me, at 1GG it might move up a bit but not much since I just don't really like the effects. I'd side it in as an aggro deck playing against a removal-light deck, but that's about it right now.

Yeah, that’s reasonable. The aura doesn’t actually net anything until after the host creature does something.

2012-03-01 06:18:12: SFletcher edited Mark of Perseverence

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