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CardName: Unnerving Junkyard Cost: Type: Artifact Creature Land - Shamble Pow/Tgh: 0/2 Rules Text: (Unnerving Junkyard isn't a spell, and it's affected by summoning sickness.) {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {3}: Regenerate Unnerving Junkyard. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Clockwork Wings Uncommon

Unnerving Junkyard
Artifact Creature Land – Shamble
(Unnerving Junkyard isn't a spell, and it's affected by summoning sickness.)
{t}: Add {1} to your mana pool.
{3}: Regenerate Unnerving Junkyard.
Updated on 18 Feb 2016 by Alex

Code: UL02

Active?: false

History: [-]

2011-02-18 12:09:29: Alex created the card Unnerving Junkyard
2011-02-18 12:10:06: Alex edited Unnerving Junkyard

Serves a similar role to CL06 Rooftop Garden in-set. Out of set it's most like Spawning Pool.

It does kinda just want to be Sky Temple though.

2011-06-20 10:48:00: Alex edited Unnerving Junkyard:

add land-creature reminder text

Are the artifact lands still all banned?

I think they were banned in Standard and Block until they left the environment, but were never banned in Extended. The Affinity deck was the principal reason for them being banned; I'm hoping I can avoid anything that degenerate, so "rehabilitate" the concept of artifact lands.

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