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CardName: Boots’s Cheer Cost: 3R Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Until end of turn, creatures you control have “When this creature attacks, it deals 2 damage to target creature or player”. Flavour Text: “Boots isn’t particularly smart, but his heart and spirit are infectious, and Marrick needs that in his men.” —Serix Thames, Newbridge Dispatch Set/Rarity: Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 Rare

Boots’s Cheer
Until end of turn, creatures you control have “When this creature attacks, it deals 2 damage to target creature or player”.
“Boots isn’t particularly smart, but his heart and spirit are infectious, and Marrick needs that in his men.”
—Serix Thames, Newbridge Dispatch
Updated on 07 Apr 2012 by SFletcher

Code: RR06

Active?: true

History: [-]

2012-04-06 16:33:40: SFletcher created the card Boots’s Cheer
2012-04-06 16:34:03: SFletcher edited Boots’s Cheer

2 mana + 2 creatures to do 4 damage?

This should maybe cost 3 or only be able to target players. I like it because it has a great chance to end stalemates but it also could break games in half.

Good place to put a double-colored cost; Hellrider is a vicious beating of a card, and this isn't far off.

Alternately, it could only hit creatures, or hit both for 1 a piece.

If it hits only creatures and does 2 damage then it's a bomb: you have 5 creatures I have 3 creatures, cast this, swing, take out half your side (or more) and then punch through for damage. That's a beating and a half. Or worse, reverse that: you have 5, I have 3, you cast this, then win.

2012-04-06 18:16:30: SFletcher edited Boots’s Cheer
2012-04-07 16:09:41: SFletcher edited Boots’s Cheer

Had to go with 2 damage, creatures and/or player, 4 mana. Less just didn’t feel rare. It’s still a potential gamebreaker, but a lot less impressive when you’re reluctant to swing.

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