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CardName: Rusted Scrapheap Cost: {2}{R}{R} Type: Legendary Artifact - Relic Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: At the beginning of your upkeep, if Rusted Scrapheap has 3 or more innovation counters on it, transform Rusted Scrapheap. {1}{R},{T}:Scrap, put an innovation counter on Rusted Scrapheap. *Raid* - Rusted Scrapheap enters the battlefield with an additional innovation counter on it if you've attacked with a creature this turn. Flavour Text: Back side: CardName: Manadriver Mechanism Cost: Type: Legendary Artifact - Relic Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: At the beginning of your end step remove an innovation counter from Manadriver Mechanism, then if there are no innovation counters on Manadriver Mechanism, transform it. Vehicles you control have +2/+0 and haste. {2}{R}{R}:Vehicles you control gain trample and menace until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Secrets of Aphezir Rare

Rusted Scrapheap
Legendary Artifact – Relic
At the beginning of your upkeep, if Rusted Scrapheap has 3 or more innovation counters on it, transform Rusted Scrapheap.

{1}{r},{t}:Scrap, put an innovation counter on Rusted Scrapheap.

Raid – Rusted Scrapheap enters the battlefield with an additional innovation counter on it if you've attacked with a creature this turn.
Manadriver Mechanism
Legendary Artifact – Relic
At the beginning of your end step remove an innovation counter from Manadriver Mechanism, then if there are no innovation counters on Manadriver Mechanism, transform it.

Vehicles you control have +2/+0 and haste.

{2}{r}{r}:Vehicles you control gain trample and menace until end of turn.
Updated on 28 Apr 2023 by Derosen

Code: RR02

Active?: false


2023-04-27 05:26:59: Derosen created the card Rusted Scrapheap
2023-04-28 01:06:46: Derosen edited Rusted Scrapheap

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