Jund Raccoon Gangster: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity

CardName: Gang Veteran Cost: brg Type: Creature - Raccoon Gangster Advisor Pow/Tgh: 3/2 Rules Text: You may draw a card and discard a card whenever a creature you control deals damage to a player. Creature you control have +1/+1 if there are 4 types of cards in your graveyard. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Jund Raccoon Gangster Rare

Gang Veteran
Creature – Raccoon Gangster Advisor
You may draw a card and discard a card whenever a creature you control deals damage to a player.
Creature you control have +1/+1 if there are 4 types of cards in your graveyard.
Updated on 03 Nov 2022 by Kael


2022-11-03 05:34:32: Kael created the card Gang Veteran

I feel Gangster doesn't really need to be a new creature type. We have e. g. Rogues.

It is much easier to parse your cards if you write triggered abilities starting with the condition: "Whenever a creature you control deals damage to a player, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card."

Note also that I moved the discard first since this card has red, but no blue - and red gets to do rummaging with tthe discard first.

You can copy the rules text almost exactly from Scuttletide for the static ability: "Creatures you control get +1/+1 as long as there are four or more card types among cards in your graveyard." You could even use the ability word delirium!

I personally prefer to order ability word conditions the way Dragon’s Rage Channeler: "As long as there are four or more card types among cards in your graveyard, creatures you control get +1/+1." Having the condition first helps to decide early whether to consider the rest of the effect - but ability words can take part of that responsibility.

Both methods are valid though.

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