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CardName: Cosi, the trickster Cost: {7}{r}{u}{b}{C}{C} Type: Legendary creature - Eldrazi Pow/Tgh: 8/10 Rules Text: Devoid (This card has no color.) Trample,Haste, Menace {C}{C}: return target colored permanent to its owners hand {2}{C}: destroy target land. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: the false gods Mythic

Cosi, the trickster
Legendary creature – Eldrazi
Devoid (This card has no color.)

Trample,Haste, Menace

{c}{c}: return target colored permanent to its owners hand

{2}{c}: destroy target land.
Updated on 22 Apr 2021 by fluffy the terrible

History: [-]

2021-04-18 17:45:24: fluffy the terrible created the card Cosi, the trickster

This costs twelve.

For {c}{c}{t}, Endbringer can draw a card without having to discard one. But more importantly, I think this ability is misplaced here: If you've gotten out your 12-cost 8 power creature with trample, haste, and menace, are you really at the point in the game where you're worried about rifling through your deck?

I do like the "Not quite annihilate - arguably better" ability. That's a nasty way to win.
So yes, even though this has haste and menace - you actually might want to keep it back. Buuut, I guess even if you're doing that, you're gonna be using all your colourless mana on its second ability.

2021-04-22 17:47:12: fluffy the terrible edited Cosi, the trickster

thanks for all the advice

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