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CardName: Honor // Grace Cost: 2w // 1w Type: Sorcery // Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / // / Rules Text: Put an Aura or Equipment card from your hand onto the field attached to target creature you control. Unfold (When this spell leaves the stack, you may cast the other half.) // Draw a card. Then draw an additional card if you control an Aura or Equipment. Unfold (When this spell leaves the stack, you may cast the other half.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Shenafu's Card Creator Uncommon

Put an Aura or Equipment card from your hand onto the field attached to target creature you control.

Unfold (When this spell leaves the stack, you may cast the other half.)
Draw a card. Then draw an additional card if you control an Aura or Equipment.

Unfold (When this spell leaves the stack, you may cast the other half.)
Updated on 20 Apr 2022 by amuseum

History: [-]

2019-12-21 00:58:04: amuseum created the card Honor // Grace
2019-12-21 00:58:10: amuseum edited Honor // Grace
2019-12-23 20:27:23: amuseum edited Honor // Grace
2020-07-15 15:17:44: amuseum edited Honor // Grace

Honor seems a bit situational, though you might just draw another Aura or Equipment with Grace.

Effects like the one on Honor are usually optional to account for the fact that your hand is a hidden zone.

In theory this allows you to put Quiet Disrepair onto the field, if you want to see it die, which is also something official wording avoids.

I question whether the Honor half should target. It definitely could get away without targeting, but that's mostly preference.

It's seven mana before you conditionally get to draw four cards, so that seems fine, but achievable. It is also plenty in white and not something you'd expect to see in canon Magic.

Both sides look attractive. Three mana to circumvent casting cost and equip cost might be a mode some combo could arise from if it comes with the ability to kick into card advantage, but most generally playable Equipment wouldn't get too much of a discount out of it.

The distinction of sorcery speed is very relevant on this.

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