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CardName: Corrupted Inspector Cost: 4U Type: Creature - Vedalken Rogue Pow/Tgh: 3/3 Rules Text: [Mindstrike] Morph {3}{U} (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.) Evidence — When this card is put into your graveyard, scry 1. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: SOR block storage Uncommon

Corrupted Inspector
Creature – Vedalken Rogue
Morph {3}{u} (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.)
Evidence — When this card is put into your graveyard, scry 1.
Updated on 14 Dec 2011 by SFletcher

History: [-]

2011-10-11 14:54:25: SFletcher created the card Corrupted Inspector
2011-10-11 14:58:37: SFletcher edited Corrupted Inspector

Could this create some rules confusion for players: if this goes to the graveyard while morphed, you get the Evidence trigger--but I don't know that this is easily apparent to new players (and I could even be wrong about this.)

Not worried. It’s uncommon, so it’ll come up in limited with less frequency than other common cards with Evidence abilities, giving players more opportunities to get to understand “this card” hitting the graveyard before encountering an Inspector.

I think that'd conventionally be templated as "When this card is put into your graveyard from anywhere", assuming that's what you want. If you only want it from the battlefield it'd be "When ~ dies" and wouldn't trigger if it died when morphed.

2011-12-14 21:24:36: SFletcher moved the card Corrupted Inspector from Soradyne Laboratories v1.2 into SOR block storage

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