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CardName: Seafloor Garfish Cost: 2/u Type: Creature - Fish Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: When Seafloor Garfish enters the battlefield, if you cast it for {2}, create a 0/4 blue Sand creature token with Defender that doesn't heal. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: [ANAGRAM] Carl Sagan Common

Seafloor Garfish
Creature – Fish
When Seafloor Garfish enters the battlefield, if you cast it for {2}, create a 0/4 blue Sand creature token with Defender that doesn't heal.
Created on 31 May 2019 by Froggychum


2019-05-31 22:43:18: Froggychum created and commented on the card Seafloor Garfish

lac gar san

sandy garfish. meh... beach garfish?

Not quite the right word. Shore Garfish (doesn't ring, too much like Shorefisher)

Ooh: ala Seafloor Oracle, Seafloor Garfish! nice! less shallow than i was thinking, but i guess that aint the wurst.

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