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CardName: Controlled Capital Cost: 2uu Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If you drawing a card besides the first card drawn each turn causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: [FEATURE] Zones Rare

Controlled Capital
If you drawing a card besides the first card drawn each turn causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.
Updated on 29 Aug 2020 by Froggychum

History: [-]

2019-04-23 12:33:46: Froggychum created the card Controlled Capital
2019-04-23 12:37:04: Froggychum edited Controlled Capital


Thank you! got the idea from Naban, Dean of Iteration and Teysa Karlov

Yeah, Wizards has been printing a lot of this effect lately.

I personally love it, Naban especially feels super useful for an archtype we've had forever! Teysa is cool too, but lots of tokens already have both. I'd play her anyways tho :P

The wording is wrong (it confusingly resembles a triggered ability, which it isn't), although the effect would work. See the cards linked in comment 104101 for the correct wording, please.

2020-08-28 19:16:08: Froggychum edited Controlled Capital:

thanks zzo

It is still wrong; it should probably say something like "If you draw a card besides the first card drawn each turn and drawing that card causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger..." (The use of the word "whenever" makes it seem like this ability is a triggered ability too, which it isn't; if it were, the timing wouldn't work properly.)

Thanks for your patience, it seems my reading comprehension skills have gotten a lot weaker since school ended!

2020-08-29 16:13:40: Froggychum edited Controlled Capital

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