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CardName: Stainless Quick Fix Cost: 1 Type: Artifact - Equipment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Quickdraw {R} (You may cast this attached to attacking or blocking creature you control for its quickdraw cost. If you do, unattach it at the end of combat.) Enchanted creature has first strike. Equip {3} ({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Tahazzar's suggestions showcase Common

Stainless Quick Fix
Artifact – Equipment
Quickdraw {r} (You may cast this attached to attacking or blocking creature you control for its quickdraw cost. If you do, unattach it at the end of combat.)
Enchanted creature has first strike.
Equip {3} ({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)
Illus. Elvira Arkanov
Updated on 16 Nov 2018 by Tahazzar


2018-11-15 12:01:40: Tahazzar created the card Stainless Quick Fix

Huh. That's a nifty keyword for it. And quite a widely applicable effect.

If I was stuck on two lands, I'd be frustrated to know that I couldn't reequip the gun. But, yes. I do like the mechanic.

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