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CardName: Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: When four or more legendary creatures with the same name enter the battlefield over the course of the game, you win the game. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Tuvia None

When four or more legendary creatures with the same name enter the battlefield over the course of the game, you win the game.
Updated on 31 Oct 2018 by HarrisonA


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2018-10-24 08:21:02: HarrisonA created the card Card101013

Just recasting your commander seems too easy...

Weeeellll... the fourth time is +8 cost. so a minimum of 9. And you had to find a sac outlet. So two hoops to jump through and a 9-cost spell? That's allowed to be game winning.

But yeah; it's such a BORING solution to a puzzle-card like this. (Also, does this count castings before you cast this? That seems like a potential memory-nightmare as well as a horrible "Aha, I just won and you never had a chance to see it coming" evil)

Meh, I easily cast Sheoldred 5+ times in a game of commander. And some commanders get around command tax entirely (Tasigur, Marath, Muldrotha+Command Beacon, ...)

This card was made for the sake of recording the effect. Like a jot note lol.

I was in a discussion about standard cards and alternate win cons with my girlfriend

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