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CardName: Blind Artillery Cost: {1}{R}{R} Type: Creature - Emu Soldier Pow/Tgh: 0/1 Rules Text: {T}: Flip a coin: * If heads; Blind Artillery deals 1 damage to target player * If tails; Blind Artillery deals 1 damage to target creature Flavour Text: If we shoot enough shots, we're bound to hit something Set/Rarity: Rileria Uncommon

Blind Artillery
Creature – Emu Soldier
{t}: Flip a coin:

If heads; Blind Artillery deals 1 damage to target player
If tails; Blind Artillery deals 1 damage to target creature
If we shoot enough shots, we're bound to hit something
Updated on 21 Aug 2016 by Izaac


History: [-]

2016-08-17 21:20:42: NixonBolas created the card Blind Artillery

First off, this needs a rarity. Common methinks.

Secondly, this shouldn't cost 3. It's not worth that much, even at common.

Thirdly, I know that the set doesn't have any coin flipping mechanics but this should definitely have a coin flip in it. Try: "Flip a coin. If heads, Blind Artillery does 1 damage to target creature an opponent controls and it's controller. If Tails, Blind Artillery does 1 damage to you and target creature you control"

2016-08-18 09:27:37: NixonBolas edited Blind Artillery

I made it uncommon.

It's here as a combo with Battleforged. Considering that I think it's powerful enough to go at uncommon and I think it would be too good at 2 mana.

Yeah, I hate coin flipping as a mechanic (except for Ral), so I'm never going to use anything like that.

Here's the thing, without battleforged, this will always deal 1 damage to an opponent. It is powerful but it's boring. You might personally hate coin flips but it fits thematically with the card. It also means we can lower the cost.

With the coin flip, this is either going to deal a damage and ping a creature or buff your battleforged at the cost of 1 health.

Yeah, but you're not going to ever play this card without any battleforged, you might play it with 2 or 3 and accept that half the time you're just going to ping your opponent with it.

This card's role in the set is to be an uncommon combo with battleforged to make sure the archetype functions. If we do use battleforged this card is one of the cards that will make the archetype feel cohesive and play well. I do not believe this would be true with the coin flip change.

Coin flips are cumbersome and almost always lead to bad gameplay, I am trying to encourage good decisions and planing. Magic already has a sufficient amount of variance. Also I don't care about lowering the cost, the card is where I want it to encourage it being played in the way I want it to be played.

If you would like I can change the flavour, or you can do it if you want.

You kidding me? Coin flips are fun? Most especially in limited, where the set is probably going to end up.

Best of all, win or lose the flip, you probably win something. In constructed I think you might be right but I still think it's a common and I still think it ought to be a 50% ping 50% buff

Here's the thing: as a magic designer, you can't make 100% cards that you want to play. Not everyone enjoys the same things, but a good magic set has things for everyone. Not everyone is a Spike.

Secondly, I don't get your desire to make a bunch of niche combos with battleforge. I think it would be better to have more open-ended cards that get better when you're playing it, rather than bad cards that require it. 1 or 2 build-around cards are sufficient.

I'm not really sure what your first comment is trying to say. I think the mechanic will play well and this is a card that will help that. Maybe you're referring to the threshold problem, where an entire limited format was ruined because players didn't like discarding their whole hand to get threshold and a small benefit. Which is a fair complaint.

I think this mechanic falls closer to madness than threshold in that way and madness is a much loved mechanic.

I'm not making "a bunch of niche combos" currently there is a 3 mana 3/1 that pings and a rolling thunder variant. Both of which fall into the open-ended area. I have no intention of making any other cards that are hardcore battleforged only. This card is me wanting 1 late pick card to pay off battleforged drafters.

Coin flips are not inherently fun, fun is subjective and a lot of people don't like coin flips happening often.

You might always get something, but if a player needs one of the effects to happen to win the game and they lose because they got the wrong one, they won't be happy about it at all. It stops players from being able to plan out their next few turns accurately, which is one of the best skills in magic and one of the most enjoyable things about it.

Also it might be a fun novelty the first few times, but if a player got 2 of these they'd probably end up flipping 30+ coins by the end of the event. I don't think it would still be fun by the end, especially if you're losing games because of the ability.

Sure if this card flipped coins some people would find the card fun. But I don't think it would lead to a lot of fun games.

But since everyone hates this card here is what I think could make it less objectionable. 1 Change the flavour so it seems less like a coin flip card. 2 Make it white red, so it's obvious that it should only go in the battleforged deck. 3 Change it so "deals 1 damage to target creature", to make it playable in non-battleforged decks, however I think this would make the card really busted.

My point was that even if you don't like coin flip cards, some people do. You can't make coin flip cards that do A or B because of the reason you mentioned, but one that isn't appropriate for tournament play and does A and sometimes upside is fine. I don't like playing them, but there is a way to make good coin flip cards.

2016-08-21 08:57:15: Izaac edited Blind Artillery

How about this? The formatting evidently needs fixing, idk how to do bullet points.

Now, regardless of heads or tails, its a benefit. Making it worthy of being an uncommon.

I appreciate your point dude1818, I think coin flip cards should be rare, cost 50 mana and come with a magnifying glass. I have yet to see a common or uncommon that uses the mechanic in a way that leads to the best gameplay possible for that card slot.

I don't understand how this is better Izaac. My objections have nothing to do with power level. I do not like how coin flip cards play for the reasons I've already gone over. This card as it was originally would be a very important card in the limited format for battleforged decks, this card does not serve the same role.

This card does not fit the same role and I do not think it will play well.

If you really do want this card in the set, let's leave it as is and I will recreate the original card in a new slot with different flavour, maybe the other changes I suggested too. That work for you?

There are very few non-rare coin flip cards, but I think Molten Birth is a well designed uncommon one. But I agree it should usually stick to rare. This is a bad mechanic to put on a coin flip card; it feels similar to Molten Sentry, which was reviled.

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