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CardName: Battle Butcher Cost: 1b Type: Creature - Frog Warrior Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: Consume 1 - {1}{b} ({1}{b} {T}: Put 1 +1/+1 counters on this creature. Activate this ability only once each time a creature an opponent controls dies) Flavour Text: A bloody battle creates two things. Fresh corpses and hungry soldiers. Set/Rarity: Rileria Common

Battle Butcher
Creature – Frog Warrior
Consume 1 – {1}{b} ({1}{b} {t}: Put 1 +1/+1 counters on this creature. Activate this ability only once each time a creature an opponent controls dies)
A bloody battle creates two things. Fresh corpses and hungry soldiers.
Updated on 26 Oct 2016 by Izaac

Code: 0005

History: [-]

2016-08-16 07:58:26: Izaac created the card Battle Butcher

You don't need the "if the creature became exiled" rider. If a target no longer exists the ability will fizzle.

Try "Exile target creature card in a graveyard that died this turn, put x +1/+1 counters on this creature where x is that creatures power."

Sweet flavourtext btw.

Alright I'll edit it down. Had to make sure that you couldn't consume the creature multiple times (without the legendary frog I made ofc)

Card doesn't say where the +1/+1 counter go...

Nice catch...

2016-08-18 04:54:51: Izaac edited Battle Butcher:

Changed the Consume variables, in line with new wording

2016-08-18 04:55:30: Izaac edited Battle Butcher
2016-08-19 03:54:26: Izaac edited Battle Butcher
2016-08-20 05:39:24: Izaac edited Battle Butcher:

Added Skeleton Code

2016-10-26 15:27:44: Izaac edited Battle Butcher

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