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CardName: Praying Mantis Cost: {G}{B} Type: Creature - Insect Priest Pow/Tgh: 0/2 Rules Text: Swarm (When this creature dies, put X 0/1 green black insect tokens onto the battlefield, where X is the number of +1/+1 counters on this creature.) Whenever you lose life, put a +1/+1 counter on Praying Mantis Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Rileria Uncommon

Praying Mantis
Creature – Insect Priest
Swarm (When this creature dies, put X 0/1 green black insect tokens onto the battlefield, where X is the number of +1/+1 counters on this creature.)
Whenever you lose life, put a +1/+1 counter on Praying Mantis
Updated on 17 Aug 2016 by Trains


History: [-]

2016-08-11 14:57:22: Trains created the card Praying Mantis
2016-08-11 14:59:14: Trains edited Praying Mantis:

Undecided on the rarity and P/T to give this thing

First off, I've avoided hybrid costs like these. As it is, this can be played in a mono-black deck or a mono-green deck. I'd change it to B/G.

Secondly, consume like this seems a bit strong. I mean if you have a 1/1 that dies, you can buff this guy by 6.

Thirdly, this seems very similar to the mechanic scavenge and I think we can get something different for our golgari tribe.

Finally, not sure how you'd have sentient/anthro wurms... They aren't real life animals (instead they are decidedly an mtg phenomenon) so we'd have to worry about what wurms can and can't do (according to the lore of mtg). In searching for wurms, there are 80 wurm creatures in mtg but they are spread across all 5 colours. Mostly green but I feel wurms have been well represented. Interestingly, I don't think consume could work on any other creature type without changing the name of the mechanic.

I agree with a lot of what you said, I think I might play around with consume. The resoning for wurms was because i was actually originally aiming for creatures made out of mass of Worms who share joint consciousness but i figured that would be too disgusting but i still wanted to see how this card would turn out. The thing about consume is it cost a lot of mana to get a lot of benefit. sure a 1/1 might die to buff this guy for 6 but you still have to pay 6 mana at that exact moment to do it. This is also where I feel it differs from scavenge. I will look at the mechanic and come up with a better approach soon.

What might work better is if it were opponents creatures.

"Consume 4 (Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies, you may pay 4 and exile that creature, if you do, put four +1/+1 counters on this creature and tap it)"

That's probably a good idea. I will spend some time before Wednesday to update the mechanic and this card.

2016-08-14 10:52:04: Trains edited Praying Mantis:

Just replacing the card since the original idea was a bust.

Alright new mechanic, new creature type and new mana cost. Basically a new card XD. I have a better feeling about this one.

Priest mispelt. I feel like swarm is super super strong. I mean the tribe would have to have a ton of +1 counters to support this and it quickly spirals out of control.

See Chasm Skulker: or Hangarback Walker. It's a super strong ability and if this is going on a common then it's going to be broken.

2016-08-14 12:29:37: Trains edited Praying Mantis

Yep, you're right. Maybe if i give the creatures with it more downsides it could be balanced. What if the tokens were 0/1s?

Giving swarm creatures a downside doesn't really help. That's a band-aid solution, we'd have too much trouble balancing each card.

If they were 0/1's...Hmm, it's interesting. I mean you'd still find yourself with shittons of 0/1's but it does give creedence to the term "swarm". We'd have to watch out how many anthem effects we make in the set but it could work. You'd certainly feel powerful making tons of creatures. You wouldn't need a lot to go off with it but I feel that'd be better.

As it is this card seems absurd, losing life happens often, this card could easily get huge.

It also looks like it could lead to really boring gamestates, discouraging attacking this heavily looks like it would produce a massive boardstall.

I like the mechanic though. Just not the way this card uses it.

Note it only gets 1 +1/+1 counter for each source of life loss, so losing 5 life with only give you 1 counter. If I change swarm to 0/1 creatures, I think this will be fair. We still would obviously need to keep an eye on the mechanic in general though because I think we can all agree it is an effect that can easily get abused with the right supporting cards. Still for most swarm cards you will need a way of putting the counters on them in the first place and then a way to buff the tokens for this to become anything scary.

How so Izaac? First you need to take a bunch of instances of life loss, then this creature needs to die. Then you need to cast veteran general and if you change it back to have the -1 then all the tokens die. So it doesn't combo at all. Swarm is only for the number of +1/+1 counters on it not its power or what not. Maybe talk more about this tomorrow.

Sorry I think I was meant to keep typing and got distracted. Can't remember what I was going on about so forget it.

Hey, nice card I think but i think the swarm effect should be 0/1 green black maggots instead

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