Kulbia: Recent Activity
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Recent updates to Kulbia: (Generated at 2024-12-02 14:02:41)
Page 1 - Older activity
Page 1 - Older activity
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Recent updates to Kulbia: (Generated at 2024-12-02 14:02:41)
Page 1 - Older activity
Hm. Doesn't seem good until it gets broken... like with a deck that overdraws, dumps Griselbrand on the table, then gets ready to do it again. Feels like a card that only a Johnny can love, or maybe a Johnny/Spike with secret tech. And not many Johnnies or Spikes at that...
Tutoring creatures straight onto the battlefield is a green effect, not a black one. This is rather worse than Chord of Calling, but that is a very good card, and this is uncommon and cycles so it's perfectly reasonable to not be as good as that. (Hm, I guess this is slightly better at digging out Ornithopter or Dryad Arbor.)
Name is taken by Divine Offering, btw.
Changed rarity to uncommon.
Changed rarity to uncommon.
Changed rarity to uncommon.
Changed rarity to uncommon.
Changed rarity to uncommon.
Should I guess that the rare-ness has to do with the card's value for Vintage/Legacy players? Because I'm almost certain this card would end up in some Yawgmoth's Will style decks. Doesn't seem particularly broken compared to Force of Will and Mana Drain, though.
Why are these rare? This could be common. Well, unless the Street Wraith free-cycling pushes them up to uncommon, I guess. I can't see it making sense to have a rare cycle whose linking mechanical hook is "if you don't need me it's very easy to get rid of me".
Changed "draw a card, then discard a card" to cycling.
Changed back to target creature or player.
Changed "draw a card, then discard a card" to cycling.
Changed "discard a card, then draw a card" to cycling.
Changed from "discard a card, then draw a card" to cycling.
Changed from "draw a card, then discard a card" to cycling.
Changed damage from "target creature or player" to "you"
Increased rarity from Uncommon to Rare.
Added "... or activated an activated ability" clause, and increased rarity from Uncommon to Rare.
Changed from "Draw a card" to "Draw a card, then discard a card"
Formatting Change
Returned creature type to human