Showdown (Non-Magic): Mechanics

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Block: Negates lower numbered attacks. Refresh your hand. Used on 1 cards: Block

Blocks defend against fast, light attacks.

Super: Used on 0 cards:
Armor: If your opponent's faster attack hits you for PARAM1 or less damage, this attack still hits. Players refresh their hands as normal. Used on 1 cards: Armored Assault

Armor gives slow moves some immunity

Jab: On hit: Return this card to your hand. Used on 1 cards: Poke

Jabs are spamable attacks

Ranged: On hit: Your opponent returns their card to their hand. Used on 1 cards: Test Shot

Ranged attacks open up some breathing room.

Dodge: Negates higher numbered attacks. Refresh your hand. Used on 1 cards: Dodge

Dodges counteract slow, heavy attacks

Throw: Negates Blocks and Dodges. Used on 1 cards: Slow Throw

Counters defensive cards.

In card text or details pages, write the mechanic's code name (playtest name) between square brackets, like "[Crittercast]", "[Bushido 1]" or "[Delay 4 {2}{R}{R}]". It will be expanded to the mechanic's name plus reminder text, such as "Suspend 4 – {2}{r}{r}. (Rather than cast this spell from your hand,...)"
To expand a mechanic's name but not its reminder text, include parentheses at the end of the square brackets: "[Crittercast()]", "[Delay 9 {R}()]".