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CardName: Bathe in Dragonfire Cost: 2R Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Bathe in Dragonfire deals 4 damage to target creature. Flavour Text: The fume of the burning, and the steam of the fair fountains of Gondolin withering in the flame of the dragons of the north, fell upon the vale of Tumladen in mournful mists. Set/Rarity: Silmarillion: The Breaking of the World Common

Bathe in Dragonfire
Bathe in Dragonfire deals 4 damage to target creature.
The fume of the burning, and the steam of the fair fountains of Gondolin withering in the flame of the dragons of the north, fell upon the vale of Tumladen in mournful mists.
Illus. Justin Gerard
Updated on 05 Jul 2017 by Tahazzar

Code: CR06

Active?: true

History: [-]

2017-07-05 09:05:39: Tahazzar created and commented on the card Bathe in Dragonfire
2017-07-05 15:59:38: Tahazzar edited Bathe in Dragonfire
2017-07-05 15:59:46: Tahazzar moved the card Bathe in Dragonfire from Silmarillion: The Love of LĂșthien into Silmarillion: The Breaking of the World

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