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CardName: Morning Gate Cost: 2WW Type: Enchantment Creature - Wall Pow/Tgh: 0/8 Rules Text: {T}: Exile a permanent you control until end of turn, then [chant]. Flavour Text: The galleon of the Sun goes out into the limitless dark, and coming behind the world finds the East again. Set/Rarity: Silmarillion: The Breaking of the World Rare

Morning Gate
Enchantment Creature – Wall
{t}: Exile a permanent you control until end of turn, then [chant].
The galleon of the Sun goes out into the limitless dark, and coming behind the world finds the East again.
Illus. Roger Garland
Updated on 03 Feb 2018 by Tahazzar

Code: RW01

Active?: true

History: [-]

2017-07-02 19:45:03: Tahazzar created and commented on the card Morning Gate

This card will feature a shorter version of the chant reminder text with just:

> (Copy this effect for each enchantment you tap in response.)

2017-07-06 08:39:43: Tahazzar edited Morning Gate
2018-02-03 14:17:15: Tahazzar moved the card Morning Gate from Silmarillion: The War of the Jewels into Silmarillion: The Breaking of the World

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