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CardName: Ruinous Revelation Cost: RR Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: Rules Text: Ecocide 2 (You may turn two face-up lands you control face down as you cast this spell. Face-down lands tap for {C} and can be turned face up any time you could cast a sorcery by sacrificing a permanent.) Exile the top three cards of your library. Until end of turn, you may play cards exiled this way. If you committed ecocide, untap up to two Mountains. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Otaria Forever (Import Test) Common

Ruinous Revelation
Ecocide 2 (You may turn two face-up lands you control face down as you cast this spell. Face-down lands tap for {c} and can be turned face up any time you could cast a sorcery by sacrificing a permanent.)
Exile the top three cards of your library. Until end of turn, you may play cards exiled this way. If you committed ecocide, untap up to two Mountains.
Illus. Jason Nguyen
Updated on 22 Sep 2016 by keflexxx


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