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CardName: Battlewise Enigma Cost: 2W Type: Creature - Human Soldier Pow/Tgh: 2/3 Rules Text: Whenever damage would be dealt to you, you may have that damage be dealt to Battlewise Enigma instead. Flavour Text: Madt selects the strongest of Ralixa to join him on his conquests. Sometimes they just aren’t strong enough. Set/Rarity: Ezanavi Uncommon

Battlewise Enigma
Creature – Human Soldier
Whenever damage would be dealt to you, you may have that damage be dealt to Battlewise Enigma instead.
Madt selects the strongest of Ralixa to join him on his conquests. Sometimes they just aren’t strong enough.
Illus. firat solhan
Updated on 17 Jun 2015 by isaac the awesome


2015-06-17 13:41:41: isaac the awesome created the card Battlewise Enigma

I think this effect is normally rare: Palisade Giant, Empyrial Archangel. I guess it might be okay at uncommon on a creature with much lower toughness, like this has. I don't know whether it'd be confusing to newer players or not.

Would it make more sense for an uncommon to cap off the amount of damage that would be redirected to it? For example "The first 3 damage that would be dealt to you is instead dealt to ~." Or does that just make the card busted (with a single Parapet)?

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