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CardName: Unsummony Thing Cost: 2U Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Return target creature to its owner's hand. When you recycle Unsummony Thing, proliferate. Recycling {1}{U} ({1}{U}, Exile this card from your hand: Return target card that shares a card type with this card from your graveyard to your hand.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Mwangi Expanse Common

Unsummony Thing
Return target creature to its owner's hand.
When you recycle Unsummony Thing, proliferate.
Recycling {1}{u} ({1}{u}, Exile this card from your hand: Return target card that shares a card type with this card from your graveyard to your hand.)
Created on 12 Mar 2012 by Benjamin Draper


History: [-]

2012-03-12 07:39:04: Benjamin Draper created the card Unsummony Thing
2012-03-12 07:39:31: Benjamin Draper edited Unsummony Thing

Gravecycle? Interesting.

Heh, it's Reminisce :) Which, to be fair, I designed while entirely unaware that Ken Nagle had also designed the same mechanic in GDS1, calling it Holistic as a nod to Holistic Wisdom. It's clearly a tempting design space :)

...Hmm, except you just say "Exile this card". On an instant, it's not at all clear where that's meant to be activated from: the hand, or the graveyard? Probably not the stack, but even that's a possibility.

Speaking of the GDS2, isn't Evolve, as on Hunting Therapsid, also from the GDS2?

@Alex- Wow. I didn't realize this mechanic was so widespread. I was just looking for a new way to twist cycling. Although, I like my name better :-)

@L2i0n0k7 - That's the point; it's in the header. Although, I've been doing a lot of offline drafting, and this set is going to change a bit, so it may lose Evolve.

Ah, so you do mean this to be activated from the hand? OK, that clarifies that.

Yeah, I just realized that today. I always forget to look at the set headers. Sorry. :)

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