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CardName: Eladamri, Hero of the Elves Cost: 1GG Type: Legendary Creature - Elf-Hero Pow/Tgh: 2/3 Rules Text: Keep: Your strarting deck has at least 12 different elves. Hexproof {T} add {G} for each elf you control Other elves you control get +1/+1 and hexproof Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Fight for Dominaria Mythic

Eladamri, Hero of the Elves
Legendary Creature – Elf-Hero
Keep: Your strarting deck has at least 12 different elves.
{t} add {g} for each elf you control
Other elves you control get +1/+1 and hexproof
Created on 22 Oct 2022 by PillowyAnt

Code: MG02


2022-10-22 11:12:42: PillowyAnt created the card Eladamri, Hero of the Elves

Keep is an abillity, where you have to meet the "Keep" conditions to put that card in your deck. Your deck can only contain a maximum of 4 cards, that have "Keep" in it's rules text. You can pay the converted mana cost of a "Keep" card to put it into your hand

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