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CardName: Elder Lithian of The War Cost: 5rr Type: Legendary Creature - Elder Elemental Pow/Tgh: 7/5 Rules Text: Creatures you control get +2/+2 during turns where they have attacked or blocked. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Myacyania: Return of the Oligoch Mythic

Elder Lithian of The War
Legendary Creature – Elder Elemental
Creatures you control get +2/+2 during turns where they have attacked or blocked.
Updated on 16 Dec 2018 by Froggychum

History: [-]

2018-12-15 20:52:49: Froggychum created the card Elder Lithian of The War
2018-12-15 20:53:45: Froggychum edited Elder Lithian of The War

Fun fact: a 2/2 blocking a 3/4 will kill the 3/4, but then die at end of combat once it no longer is blocking. Intentional?

Nope. It sucks imo that Magic has such smooth rules but it's built on layers of unspoken technical stuff and components that rarely go referenced (read: damage being put on rather than compared... also why heal target creature is something im afraid to do in a 'canon' set)

I got an idea tho

2018-12-16 16:24:36: Froggychum edited Elder Lithian of The War

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