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CardName: Double-Edged Obsidian Spear Cost: 3 Type: Artifact - Equipment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Equip {3} Equipped creature has Double Strike and can block up to two creatures Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Myacyania: Return of the Oligoch Uncommon

Double-Edged Obsidian Spear
Artifact – Equipment
Equip {3}
Equipped creature has Double Strike and can block up to two creatures
Updated on 16 Dec 2018 by Froggychum


2018-12-15 20:51:59: Froggychum created the card Double-Edged Obsidian Spear

That's a really cool concept.

Thank you:)

My least favorite part of this card is the name, I couldn't find a better one (Double-Edged Spear sounded a bit too much like it was taking the spot of a past or future card)111

I purposely designed this to be thought of as a weapon wielded by some Elite Guard Force (since in all them Store Wart movies they always stay afloat during tag-teams against Jedi far long than one might expect.)

Edit: I also liked the idea of making double strike defensive rather than offensive

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