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CardName: Brood of the Blood-Barren Cost: 2ww Type: Tribal Sorcery - Vampire Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Kicker {2}{b} Create four 1/1 white and black Vampire Drone creature tokens with Lifelink. If the kicker cost was payed, those tokens deal damage equal to their power to target opponent. You gain that much life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Myacyania: Return of the Oligoch Rare

Brood of the Blood-Barren
Tribal Sorcery – Vampire
Kicker {2}{b}
Create four 1/1 white and black Vampire Drone creature tokens with Lifelink. If the kicker cost was payed, those tokens deal damage equal to their power to target opponent. You gain that much life.
Updated on 16 Dec 2018 by Froggychum

History: [-]

2018-12-15 20:21:40: Froggychum created the card Brood of the Blood-Barren

Oligoch and Broodling are now creature types? And the tokens are colorless?

The interplay between the effect and the kicker is nice. I wonder whether it's worth actually have the lifelinked tokens deal the damage...

Blood-Barren or Blood-Baron?

Are you suggesting something like "[Those tokens/Each OB you control (if you want to be spicy)] deals damage equal to its power to target opponent"?

I figured being read this card's name, enfranchised players would think Blood-Baron, because im pretty sure thats a thing from somewhere in this damn ol game

I meant Blood-Barren because these "vampires" are more or less based off of the symbiotes from marvel comics, except that's their natural form and they don't do symbiosis or whatever, they are basically alien goo

They also use symbiotes to gain strength, which is where the symbiotic relationship is, those things are biotic/organic, but not naturally occurring, you could make an argument for sentience, but i wouldn't consider it more than a blob of tissues and nerves that has no brain or emotions or whatever. (their form varies about as much as pokemon do so this last bit is a bit inapplicable occasionally im sure)

Also im sure plenty of my tokens are a mess, because i know but constantly forget that tokens have their creatures types in their progenitors card and the name is written out separately and differently.

Dude1818 that's a great idea, because it works well with another card i made im forgetting the name of ...

2018-12-16 16:37:19: Froggychum edited Brood of the Blood-Barren

upped the kicker by 1 cus my wording kinda made the ability undercosted

2018-12-16 16:38:02: Froggychum edited Brood of the Blood-Barren

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